Mobilizing a Local Church into the Greater Missions

WUPM선교회는 바로 곁에서 섬김

한국교회는 공공연하게 85%의 교회가 세계선교에 능동적으로 참여하고 있지 않고 있다는 이야기가 있습니다. 세계복음화 사역은 온세상과 온교회와 온성도가 함께 사역해야 할 우리의 책임입니다. 이에 WUPM선교회는 지역교회로 하여금 능동적으로 세계선교사역에 동참하도록 다양한 프로그램을 통해 지역교회를 섬기고자 합니다. 선교에 적극적으로 참여하고자 하는 교회들을 위해 WUPM선교회는 바로 곁에서 섬기고자 합니다.






WUPM has great interests and willingness and work together

There is a saying that 85% of Korean churches are not actively participating world missions. World evangelization can be accomplished by whole churches, whole believers, and whole nations. We do have various programs to get local churches involved for missions so they can choose accordingly. We know that local church itself is the great assets and potentials for world missions. If the local churches don’t get involved the missions, we have to admit the reality that we can never accomplish the great commission. It is our grave responsibility that we need to let them know the reality and truth for world missions. We also want to teach them that the responsibility of the lost world can be credited to local churches as well. WUPM has great interests and willingness and work together to reach the goal for Christ.

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